How to Create a GPU-Powered Containerized Multi-User JupyterHub Research Server?
In this post, we will build a GPU-powered deep learning development server. We will use Docker to containerize the Jupyter Lab environment. The server also features a shared data and notebooks directories among the users.
Makine Öğrenmesine Giriş - Sunumlar (Turkish)
Bu gönderi makine öğrenmesine giriş sunumlarını desteklemek amaçlı yazılmıştır. İçeriğinde sunumlarda kullanılan materyaller (pdf, odp, kaynak kodları) bulunmaktadır.
Simple Docker Based Virtual Private Server
The aim of this document is to remind me how to get an up and running virtual private server (VPS) from scratch. Every time when I try to migrate my VPS, I find myself completely forgotten to do the job. Today, I decided to write all the steps to a document.
What Is Information Gain in Information Theory?
Information gain is a very important concept in information theory. In the most simplest case, it is the reduction in entropy. If you are not familiar with entropy, check out my entropy post. Information gain is used in decision trees. A decision tree is a classification algorithm. Decision tree splits the given feature from specific points with specific questions by branching. By doing that, it tries to maximize information gain. In other words, it tries to minimize the entropy in each branch. To sum up, information gain tells us the reduction in entropy in each split.
What Is Entropy in Information Theory?
Entropy is one of the key concepts of information theory, data science and machine learning. Understanding the math behind it is crucial for designing solid machine learning pipelines. Therefore, in this post, I try to explain the entropy as simple as possible.